Lotus Industry Beautifies Villages, Increases Villagers' Income

来源:湖南日报 2023-08-27 09:39:45


The photo, taken on August 22, shows villagers picking seedpods at Guitou Village, Meihua Town, Daoxian County. The "space lotus" has reached ripeness consecutively in the village in recent days. "Space louts" is a type of lotus cultivated from seeds that were taken into space by Chinese astronauts in experiments designed to increase lotus seed yield. In recent years, the local authority has developed a rural complex integrating lotus root planting, sightseeing, and lotus seedpod-picking experience, which has beautified the villages and helped increase villagers" income. (Photo/He Hongfu)


编辑:田梦瑶 吴雨霜(实习生)


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